Committed to Others

Our local McDonald’s organization is committed to helping our employees further their education and achieve their dreams.

The four Archways to Opportunity programs were created to give people an opportunity to grow and learn – no matter where they are on their educational journey. Archways offers the chance for employees to earn their high school diploma, pursue a college degree, receive academic advising, or improve their English.

Eligible crew can receive up to $2,500 and eligible managers can receive up to $3,000 per year in tuition assistance. McDonald’s employees’ immediate family members are also eligible to take courses to earn their high school diploma. There have been more than 27,000 restaurant employees who’ve enrolled nationwide since the launch of the program in April 2015.

“I’m so thankful that McDonald’s helps with my tuition. Because of the College Assistance Archways program, I’m able to study Computer Engineering at NC A&T.”

Davida Cabbagestalk, Zebulon, N.C.